Localization Spreadsheet JSONify Using Google App Scripts, it's possible to easily create and maintain a localization string table for your website using a Google Docs spreadsheet. tl;dr Instructions Create a localization spreadsheet like this one. Make it publicly accessible. HTTP GET this: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxLnEUyElPtL01qHnL7pD2hmTmaO7Tc1yLhjJzQpitpuBfxxBU/exec?sheet_id={your_spreadsheet_key}&sheet_name={your_spreadsheet_sheet_name} Use the JSON output to localize the web app. Long Instructions See this. github Repository https://github.com/nuket/localization-spreadsheet-jsonify Using jquery.localize Select a language: English Deutsch Français 日本語 Localization: