#include <pic.h>
#include "globals.h"
void putch(unsigned char cout) {
unsigned int timewaster = 0;
TXREG = cout;
while (!TRMT); // this is the fastest way of doing this.
// for (timewaster = 0; timewaster < 100; timewaster++); // too much (100us!!) delay. just watch TRMT.
void putst(char * stout) {
while((*stout) != '\0') {
stout = stout + 1;
void putstc(register const char * stout) {
while((*stout) != '\0') {
stout = stout + 1;
void putdec(unsigned int iin, const char fmt) {
unsigned char rot = 0;
unsigned int temp = 0;
switch(fmt) {
case 'b':
for (rot = 0; rot < 16; rot++) {
// for (rot = 15; rot > 0; rot--) { // is this a bug in HiTech C??? YES! char wraps around
// @0 and gives you about 120 chars of gobbledegook.
if (((iin >> (15 - rot)) & 0b00000001) == 1) { putch('1'); }
else { putch('0'); }
case 'h':
for (rot = 0; rot < 4; rot++) {
temp = iin >> (12 - (rot * 4));
temp = temp & 0x0F;
if (temp > 9) {
putch(temp += 55);
else {
temp |= 0b00110000;
putch((char) temp);
void putlf() {
TXEN = 1; // enable transmission
void waste_time() {
unsigned int timewaster;
for (timewaster = 0; timewaster < 5000; timewaster++);
void getch() {
if (OERR || FERR) {
CREN = 0;
CREN = 1;
while (!RCIF) {
void serial_tx_init() {
TX9 = 0; // 8-bits transmission
TXIE = 0; // transmit interrupt enable: false, we'll just poll
TXEN = 0;
TXEN = 1;
void serial_rx_init() {
RX9 = 0; // 8-bit reception
RCIE = 0; // disable receive interrupt, polling.
CREN = 0; // disable reception, turn on in the function that needs to.
//FERR, OERR watchout.
void serial_init() {
SPEN = 1; // set serial port enable : SPEN RCSTA<7> = 1
TRISC = TRISC | 0b11000000; // set tristate TRISC<7:6> high, for both rx/tx
SYNC = 0; // asynchronous transmission mode
BRGH = 1; // Baud Rate Generator High Speed? Yes.
SPBRG = BRGSPEED; // Set Baud Rate Generator to 19.2Kbps (assume clock = 4MHz)
main() {
putstc("test a b c.");