Last visited: 02 September 2018
Location: Auguststrasse 11-13, 10117 Berlin
Verdict: I definitely like the pastrami here. I'd take friends here. I'd take my parents here. But I get my fill probably, like, once a year.
Location: Auguststrasse 11-13, 10117 Berlin
Verdict: I definitely like the pastrami here. I'd take friends here. I'd take my parents here. But I get my fill probably, like, once a year.
One of the few places I’ve had proper pastrami in Berlin, and a proper Bloody Mary.
You can select one of two sizes for the pastrami sandwich. The large order is what I usually go for, though it can be a bit excessive for one person. So I sometimes pick at my sandwich, since individual slices of the tender briskett consumed over a slightly longer period of time just make the flavor last that much longer.